Sweet Jane's certifies that all individually identifiable information is kept confidential. We do not sell or disclose any personal information about our users. Information users provide us with at the time of registration is not distributed to any third party users.
All personal information collected by Sweet Jane's (including credit card information for some paid services) is kept in secure areas. Sweet Jane's uses secured server areas and advanced firewall technology to minimize the risk of individually identifiable information being compromised. Personal information, such as name and email, are used primarily to recognize individual accounts. Occasionally Sweet Jane's will use individually identifiable information, like email addresses, in order to contact the user for order status or provide product update and account information. Sweet Jane's also provides various opt-out newsletters to its members. Members can unsubscribe from these newsletters at their own will. Sweet Jane's also takes every effort to ensure that the information users provide is correct and up to date. Members can change their information any time by email at [email protected].
In order for Sweet Jane's members to use our services, they must provide all information requested at the time of registration (i.e. site name, user name, email, URL). As aforementioned, this information is necessary to keep track of individual accounts and to contact the user when needed.
Sweet Jane's does track general information about people visiting our site and other pages with our tracking service by reading browser settings. This does not include any personal information. This information is only used to determine the composition of our user and visitor base. Sweet Jane's retains the right to use such information about members Web sites (name, URL, traffic counts, etc.) in the marketing, general promotion and publicity of Sweet Jane's and its services.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns with this policy or any of Sweet Jane's services, please send your comments to us at [email protected].
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